Long-term Results after Osteochondral Scaffold Implantation
Message intended for Healthcare Professionals Only We would like to inform you about Long-term Results after Osteochondral Scaffold Implantation. The paper titled Cell-Free Biomimetic Osteochondral Scaffold for the Treatment of Knee Lesions (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34283948/) is aimed to evaluate the clinical outcome and Imaging Results at 10-Year Follow-up
Clinical Outcomes After Polyurethane Meniscal Scaffolds Implantation Remain Stable Despite a Joint Space Narrowing at 10-Year Follow-Up
Syntellix is recognized as Top Orthopedic Solution Provider in Europe and receives “Company of the Year” Award 2020. Syntellix AG has officially been named “Company of the Year”, leading the list of “Top 10 Orthopedic Solution Providers in Europe” of the industry magazine and news platform MedTech Outlook in 2020. MedTech Outlook (www.medicaltechoutlook.com) bridges the […]
Positive early clinical outcomes of bone marrow aspirate concentrate for osteoarthritis using a novel fenestrated trocar
in Marrow Cellution, Publication/Study / Nathan H Varady, Graham Cate, Ameen Barghi, Natalie Jobe, David Yakin, Ramon C Ylanan, Christopher A Arnold. Varady NH, et al. Knee. 2020 Sep 23;27(5):1627-1634 | doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2020.08.018. BACKGROUND: This study sought to assess early clinical outcomes for knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients undergoing bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) treatment using a novel closed-end, fenestrated trocar […]
The perfect combination for cartilage repair
Over 1.2 million articular cartilage injuries occur annually in the U.S. and Europe. Cartilage injuries degenerate into more severe cartilage defects. Patients suffering from knee pain and functional impairment may result in a decrease in quality of life and could eventually require a total knee replacement – if untreated. There are many available technologies for […]
Antigénový rýchlotest NADAL® COVID-19 Ag s CE certifikátom určený pre použitie v zdravotníckom zariadení
V súvislosti s 2. vlnou COVID-19 a odporúčaním testovať pacientov pred plánovaným zákrokom v zdravotníckom zariadení Vám dávame do pozornosti antigénový rýchlotest NADAL® COVID-19 Ag na rýchlu diagnostiku COVID-19 s platným CE certifikátom. Test NADAL® COVID-19 Ag je imunochromatografický test pre kvalitatívnu detekciu vírusových nukleoproteínových antigénov SARS-CoV-2 v ľudských nazofaryngeálnych a orofaryngeálnych vzorkách. Účinnosť testu bola vyhodnotená porovnaním s […]
Arthrosurface Launches the Stemless OVOMotion Shoulder Arthroplasty System
FRANKLIN, Mass., Oct. 11, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Arthrosurface®, Inc. announced today the official launch of its latest product,the stemless OVOMotion™ Shoulder Arthroplasty System with Inlay Glenoid. FDA Cleared in April 2018, this stemless total shoulder system provides the surgeon with an approach that results in increased exposure to the glenoid, minimal bone removal, and is designed for patients with […]

HemiCAP Hip Patient, Kellie, Hits Her 15 Year Milestone
We are so excited to share an update on one of our very first Hip HemiCAP Implant recipients, Kellie who recently hit her 15-year milestone! She says, “having the HemiCAP surgery has changed my life.” 15 years ago, in July of 2003, Kellie had her surgery, which was performed by Dr. Marc Philippon. Because she was […]

Rudy is Back to Breaking Powerlifting World Records After Receiving Bilateral OVO Implants
We’re very excited to introduce our newest patient testimonial, Rudy Kadlub, who opted for bilateral OVO Stemless Total Shoulder implants with Inlay Glenoids! Currently, Rudy is the co-owner of Kabuki Strength in Clackamas, OR and is a competitive, World Record Powerlifter. Rudy originally injured both of his shoulders playing football in college. For years he endured and […]
Rotator Cuff Repair with NanoFx®
Dr. Gregory Nicholson discusses the use of NanoFx for repairing Rotator Cuff injuries/tears.
Focal resurfacing can treat localised articular damage of the knee not appropriate for arthroplasty or biological repair. Independent results on these implants are limited. We previously published early results showing significantly improved Knee Injury & Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS4) without complication or re-operation, demonstrating this system gives good analgesia and functional improvement in selected patients. […]
Shoulder HemiCAP Inlay Arthroplasty Showed Lowest Comparative Revision Rate at the 5 Years Mark
Stemmed shoulder replacement has been the standard of care in modern shoulder arthroplasty. Ample reports indicate that total shoulder replacement provides better pain relief and functional outcomes when compared to a stemmed hemi arthroplasty. However, longer life expectancy, early joint deterioration in younger patients and increased functional demands from patients seeking a more active lifestyle, […]
Comparison of BMS Techniques: Microfracture, NanoFx & K-Wire
Microfracture is one of the most frequently used cartilage repair techniques. According to a comparative study performed at the Hospital for Special Surgery in collaboration with Cornell University, researchers found that smaller diameter instruments (Nanofracture®) showed the best prospects of accessing repair cells and were substantially less damaging to the underlying bone when compared to […]
Pozvánka na ICRS 2016 Sorrento – Finceramica Lunch Symposium
Dear Partner, we have the pleasure to inform you that Finceramica will hold a symposium with the title „An evidence-based Step Ahead in the Treatment of OC lesions: Results of an International RCT“ during ICRS (Internaltional Cartilage Repair Society) 2016 Congress in Sorrento (September, 24-27 2016). The event will take place on Sunday, September 25th […]

Pozvánka – Červeňanského dni
Spoločnosť BioRegen si Vás dovoľuje pozvať do svojej firemnej expozície na Národnom kongrese SOTS – XXXVI. Červeňanského dni, ktorý sa uskutoční v dňoch 10 – 11. marca 2016 v priestoroch hotela Holiday Inn v Bratislave. Tešíme sa na stretnutie s Vami Team BioRegen Zároveň Vám dávame do pozornosti príspevky, ktoré sa týkajú produktov […]

Unikátna operácia menisku
Slavomíra ako prvého na Slovensku operoval odborník z Belgicka: Unikátna operácia menisku Premiéra sa vydarila! V šačianskej nemocnici ako prvému pacientovi na Slovensku operovali meniskus novou prevratnou metódou. Pocta sa ušla Slavomírovi Botovi (40) z Košickej Polianky, ktorý už má koleno ako nové. Poškodenú časť mu nahradili umelým tkanivom, aby sa jeho chrupka ďalej nepoškodzovala. […]

Horolezec s implantátom HemiCAP v ramene opäť aktívne športuje
After about 6 months of research, Dr. Mazzocca & Joe decided that the Shoulder HemiCAP® was the best option to allow Joe to stay active and climb again. Original Post
Najnovšie články
- Long-term Results after Osteochondral Scaffold Implantation
- Clinical Outcomes After Polyurethane Meniscal Scaffolds Implantation Remain Stable Despite a Joint Space Narrowing at 10-Year Follow-Up
- Positive early clinical outcomes of bone marrow aspirate concentrate for osteoarthritis using a novel fenestrated trocar
- The perfect combination for cartilage repair
- Antigénový rýchlotest NADAL® COVID-19 Ag s CE certifikátom určený pre použitie v zdravotníckom zariadení
- Arthrosurface Launches the Stemless OVOMotion Shoulder Arthroplasty System